azuma (azur lane)

Azur Lane's personification of the Japanese large cruiser Azuma, as part of the World of Warships collaboration.
Character design by Kishiyo, voiced by Yasuno Kiyono.


See post #3480676.

As a shipgirl, Azuma is portrayed with long black hair and golden-colored eyes, along with animal ears similar to Takao and a sizeable bust. Her outfit consists of a white jacket hanging off her shoulders, likely based off Imperial Japanese Navy military uniforms, a button-up shirt with her lace-trimmed bra visible past the shirt, a black pleated skirt, black gloves, and dark-colored pantyhose. Her personality is similar to Atago, being very "onee-san" and gently teasing the Commander.

Her rigging is themed to act as a chair for her to sit on, with her three 310 mm triple gun mounts to her sides (two on left, one on right) on bow pieces, as well as two 100 mm twin DP mounts to her sides at shoulder level. She also has a reconnaissance seaplane to her lower left, while she uses a katana as a melee weapon.


Azuma is a never-built ship based on one of Japan's Project B-65 proposals. The B-65 project was intended to create a "super-cruiser" meant to replace the aging Kongou-class battlecruisers and lead the IJN's cruiser squadrons into a planned "Decisive Battle" against the US Navy. Her purpose during such an engagement was to lay down heavy barrages against American heavy cruisers while being resistant to any return fire from them. While extensive design work had been carried out, no ships were laid down as Japan's focus shifted to replacing their extensive carrier losses after the battle of Midway and materials grew scarce.

As a reference to World of Warships, as per the collab, Azuma gains an ability based off of the "Demolition Expert" skill, increasing her high explosive damage and chance to set fires.


External links

The following tags implicate this tag: azuma_(lily-white_longing)_(azur_lane) and azuma_(soft_voice_of_spring)_(azur_lane) (learn more).

《碧蓝航线》是日本大型巡洋舰 Azuma 的化身,是《战舰世界》合作的一部分。


她的装备的主题是充当她可以坐的椅子,她的两侧(左侧两个,右侧一个)弓件上有三个 310 毫米三联炮安装座,以及两个 100 毫米双 DP 安装座两侧与肩同高。她的左下方还有一架侦察水上飞机,同时她使用武士刀作为近战武器。

Azuma 是一艘基于日本 B-65 项目提案之一但从未建造的舰艇。 B-65 项目旨在打造一艘“超级巡洋舰”,以取代老化的金刚级战列巡洋舰,并带领日本海军的巡洋舰中队与美国海军进行计划中的“决战”。在这次交战中,她的目的是对美国重型巡洋舰进行猛烈攻击,同时抵抗它们的还击。尽管已经进行了大量的设计工作,但由于日本在中途岛海战后将重点转移到弥补大量损失的航母上,并且材料变得稀缺,因此没有建造任何舰艇。

作为对《战舰世界》的参考,根据合作,Azuma 获得了基于“拆除专家”技能的能力,增加了她的高爆炸伤害和着火的机会。

以下标签暗示此标签:azuma_(lily-white_longing)_(azur_lane) 和 azuma_(soft_voice_of_spring)_(azur_lane)(了解更多)。
类型 角色
英文名 azuma (azur lane)
日文名 吾妻
别名 ;吾妻(アズールレーン);吾妻;아즈마