forbin (azur lane)

Azur Lane's personification of the French destroyer Forbin, one of the 14 L'Adroit-class destroyers.
Character design by Yano Mitsuki, voiced by Hasegawa Akiko.


See post #3203139 for base and post #3203160 for retrofit.

In-game, she is portrayed with long blonde hair and green eyes, with a sizable chest size.
Her outfit consists of a white dress with a cleavage cutout, sleeveless blue jacket tied to the center, white thighhighs, armored boots akin to a knight's, white elbow gloves, and white hair ribbons.

Her rigging consists of a single 130 mm gun mount to her right and 550 mm triple torpedo tubes to her left, held together by her bridge and funnel to her back with a range clock and mast that flies a variant of the French tricolor.


In real life, she was part of a squadron in Alexandria that was disarmed by the Royal Navy under Admiral Andrew Cunningham after he learned of the disastrous attempt to seize a larger French fleet at Mers-el-Kebir, Algeria.
She was handed over to the Free French in December 1943 with the rest of the Alexandria squadron and served until 1952.


L'Adroit-class destroyers

External links

The following tags implicate this tag: forbin_(ecole_de_chevalier)_(azur_lane), forbin_(feast_of_champagne)_(azur_lane), forbin_(fleur_blanche)_(azur_lane), and forbin_(fleur_de_mariee)_(azur_lane) (learn more).

碧蓝航线中法国驱逐舰福宾号的化身,福宾号是 14 艘利德鲁伊特级驱逐舰之一。


她的装备包括右侧的一门 130 毫米炮座和左侧的 550 毫米三联鱼雷发射管,通过舰桥和背部的漏斗连接在一起,并配有测距时钟和悬挂法国三色旗变体的桅杆。

1943 年 12 月,她与亚历山大分舰队的其余舰艇一起被移交给自由法国,并服役至 1952 年。

以下标签暗示此标签:forbin_(ecole_de_chevalier)_(azur_lane)、forbin_(feast_of_champagne)_(azur_lane)、forbin_(fleur_blanche)_(azur_lane) 和 forbin_(fleur_de_mariee)_(azur_lane)(了解更多)。
类型 角色
英文名 forbin (azur lane)
别名 ;フォルバン;フォルバン(アズールレーン);福尔班