hoshino (blue archive)

A character from Blue Archive. Former Vice President of the Abydos Student Council and leader of the Foreclosure Task Force.

She has very long pink hair with a huge ahoge and heterochromatic blue and yellow eyes.

In her default outfit she wears a black plaid skirt, a white collared shirt with a chest harness, and a blue necktie (see post #5441139). She is equipped with a Beretta 1301 shotgun and a suitcase that can turn into a ballistic shield.

Her full name is Takanashi Hoshino.

Voiced by: Hanamori Yumiri
Original artist: 9ml

Official art


External links

The following tags are aliased to this tag: takanashi_hoshino (learn more).

The following tags implicate this tag: hoshino_(flowery_charms)_(blue_archive), hoshino_(swimsuit)_(blue_archive), and hoshino_(young)_(blue_archive) (learn more).


在她的默认服装中,她穿着黑色格子裙、带胸带的白领衬衫和蓝色领带(参见帖子#5441139)。她配备了一把伯莱塔 1301 霰弹枪和一个可以变成防弹盾的手提箱。

以下标签暗示此标签:hoshino_(flowery_charms)_(blue_archive)、hoshino_(swimsuit)_(blue_archive) 和 hoshino_(young)_(blue_archive)(了解更多)。
类型 角色
英文名 hoshino (blue archive)
日文名 小鳥遊ホシノ
别名 ;ホシノ(ブルーアーカイブ);小鳥遊ホシノ;ホシノ;小鳥遊ホシノ(過去);타카나시호시노;호시노