asada shino

A female character from the Sword Art Online series. She first appears in volume 5 in the Phantom Bullet story arc. Asada Shino uses the avatar Sinon in the game Gun Gale Online, and later also has another avatar named Sinon in the game Alfheim Online.

  • 名称:Asada Shino
  • Normal Gender: Female
  • Apparent Age: Teenage
  • Actual Age (at introduction):16
  • Eye Color: Brown
  • Hair Color: Brown
  • Hair Length: Short with shoulder to shoulder blade length sidelocks.
  • Hair Accessories: A pair of white tress ribbons.
  • Accessories: Glasses

刀剑神域系列中的女性角色。她首次出现在《幻影子弹》故事线的第五卷中。浅田诗乃在《Gun Gale Online》中使用了化身诗乃,之后在《Alfheim Online》中也使用了另一个名为诗乃的化身。
类型 角色
英文名 asada shino
日文名 朝田詩乃
别名 ;朝田詩乃