blue oath

Blue Oath (alternatively Blue Wars or Blue Vows) was a shipgirl-themed Chinese smartphone game released in China by Babeltime. A Japanese version was published by ZephyrusGames, and was available on the Android and iOS Japanese app stores. The game ran on Android, Apple iOS and Windows-based devices. By August 2023, all of the game's servers were shut down.

Gameplay was similar to Kantai Collection Arcade, although with both minor and major changes, such as an affection system (and allowing marriage at 100 affection instead of Level 99), Hot Springs for morale recovery, the ability to select damaged skins for the ship girls’ appearance and in-app purchases.


《蓝色誓言》(又名《蓝色战争》或《蓝色誓言》)是 Babeltime 在中国发行的一款以船女为主题的中国智能手机游戏。日语版本由 ZephyrusGames 发布,可在 Android 和 iOS 日语应用商店中使用。该游戏可以在 Android、Apple iOS 和 Windows 设备上运行。到 2023 年 8 月,游戏的所有服务器都被关闭。

游戏玩法与 Kantai Collection Arcade 类似,尽管有一些细微和重大的变化,例如感情系统(并允许在 100 感情而不是 99 级结婚)、恢复士气的温泉、为船上女孩选择受损皮肤的能力' 外观和应用内购买。
类型 unknown
英文名 blue oath
别名 苍蓝誓约;蒼藍誓約;蒼藍の誓い;ブルーオース;蒼藍の誓い_ブルーオース;ブルーオースイラコン;蒼藍の誓いブルーオース