kunikida hanamaru

A protagonist in Love Live! Sunshine!!. Hanamaru is a diligent girl who was raised in a temple and loves books. Because of her upbringing, she is easily fascinated by technology. She tends to end her sentences with the verbal tic "zura", due to her Shizuoka dialect.

She is a member of the Aqours sub-unit AZALEA, alongside Kurosawa Dia and Matsuura Kanan. She looks up to Hoshizora Rin from predecessor µ's. Like Rin, Sega also selected her as an image girl to feature in advertisements alongside Sonic.

She has yellow eyes and medium/long, brown hair with sidelocks. She is close friends with Kurosawa Ruby.

Voiced by Takatsuki Kanako.

The following tags implicate this tag: hanamaru_(genjitsu_no_yohane) (learn more).

《Love Live!》中的主角。阳光!!。花丸是一位在寺庙长大的勤奋女孩,热爱书籍。由于她的成长经历,她很容易对技术着迷。由于她的静冈方言,她倾向于以口头抽动“zura”来结束她的句子。


类型 角色
英文名 kunikida hanamaru
日文名 国木田花丸
别名 hanamaru kunikida;国木田花丸;よしまる普及委員会;Hanamaru_Kunikida