zero no tsukaima

Lit. "The Familiar of Zero"

A fantasy light novel series written by late Yamaguchi Noboru with illustrations by Usatsuka Eiji, with a 2006-2009 manga adaptation and a four-season anime adaptation by J.C. Staff. The 22nd and final volume, based on a plot by the late author, was released in February 2017.

During a familiar summoning class at the prestigious Tristain Academy of Magic, Louise Françoise le Blanc de la Vallière, a 13-year-old second-year notorious for her temper as short as her stature and horrible track record at spellcasting (earning her the nickname "Louise the Zero"), manages to summon Hiraga Saito, a human boy from Japan. While initially reluctant to rely on (and often disdainful of) him, Louise has come to accept Saito's role as her familiar, and soon develops romantic feelings for him, even as they help defend Tristain from enemies within and outside.



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由已故山口升创作、宇冢英二负责插画的奇幻轻小说系列,由 J.C. Staff 于 2006-2009 年改编漫画,并改编为四季动画。第 22 卷也是最后一卷,根据已故作者的情节改编,于 2017 年 2 月发行。

在著名的特里斯坦魔法学院的一堂熟悉的召唤课上,路易丝·弗朗索瓦丝·勒·布兰克·德拉·瓦利埃,一名 13 岁的二年级学生,因脾气和身材一样短,以及糟糕的施法记录而臭名昭著(这为她赢得了绰号) “零号路易丝”)成功召唤出来自日本的人类男孩齐藤平贺。虽然路易丝最初不愿意依赖(而且常常鄙视)他,但她逐渐接受了齐藤作为她的使魔,并很快对他产生了浪漫的感情,尽管他们帮助保护特里斯坦免受内外敌人的侵害。
类型 作品
英文名 zero no tsukaima
日文名 ゼロの使い魔
别名 ;ゼロの使い魔